système d'information

Project management assistance for choosing a new information system for a Belgian union:

  • Drafting of the specifications and selection of the editor,
  • Proposing an organizational scenario,
  • Assistance with the implementation.

Customer challenges: implementation of a new organizational structure and production of annual accounts.


Feedback from the implementation of SAP in the nuclear sector:

  • Diagnosis on all the processes (purchasing, accounting, human resources, sales, management control) of the 5 sites,
  • Consolidation of the weaknesses identified,
  • Proposal of action plans.

Customer chalenges: implementation of technical and organizational adjustments.


Development of a deployment plan for a European marketplace system in the energy sector:

  • Carrying out an impact study on purchasing,
  • Developing a deployment plan
  • Validating the pace of deployment and products

Customer challenges: respecting deadlines and cost